Journaling Just For Fun
Journaling just for fun and I might add for getting us writing. How many of you out there have started journaling, kept to it each day for a while, then fallen off the tracks again? In talking to others, I think this is a very common thing to do.
Next weekend I will be taking 4 women out to our cabin by the sea for a one day workshop, "Journaling for Fun." The reason I'm teaching that and not another writing workshop is because I keep being asked about it. Yesterday while out for fun and laughs with a group of Red Hatters, again a woman asked me about journaling.
We discussed it in terms of it being therapeutic. Often we start because we get ourselves into a situation in life where one of the healthiest ways to deal with it is to write /journal. She voiced the same time, don't stay committed, what if someone gets offended...etc. Those are all reasons many of us have used. But none of them is a reason not to. We all can make time for the things we think are important.
Whether you use journaling as therapy, to document a trip or your dreams, to leave a record of what your life was like or just for fun, it gets you writing.
And for writers there lies the key reason to journal: It opens the creative doors allowing the juice to pour out. It's no different than any other writing exercise. We need to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.
I've tried hard for years to journal each morning but honestly there are times when I just jump out of bed and get on with my day. Then I go back to it because I'm missing it and starting to not stay focused on my dreams.
After June 19 I'll be posting the results of our journaling workshop. Till then if you don't already journal in some form, try it just for fun.
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." Elbert Hubbard
Happy journaling.
Millennium Plus operates using an innovative hybrid of technologies, including GPS satellites and patented microburst cell technology. Each time you communicate with the transceiver in the vehicle, there is a two way flow of information.
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* Microburst technology operates on existing cellular networks to send and receive data packets, tapping into unused channels on the back side of standard cell frequencies.
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* The cell towers then relay the signal back to you via the exact means by which it was sent.
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