Motivation is Like Bathing
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar
As usual Zig hits the nail on the head or in the case of writers, hits the key in the right sequence! And to think that I thought that inspiration was better than motivation because it went deeper. That may be true in some cases, but if we aren't motivated each and every day time and opportunity will pass us by. Here is the reason we subscribe to motivational ezines, read books by authors like Zig or plug into blogs like this one.
A site full of ezines of all descriptions is at:
Like bathing we need daily reminders, KIP's...Kicks In Pants...or we soon let lesser priority items steal our dreams, our time, our writing.
Yes this is a site for writers,making this quotation especially true for us. We need someone or something motivating us to keep writing, to keep researching our material, to keep sending out queries, to keep on keeping on. Next time you don't feel inspired to follow your writing project, think of what Zig said.
Till next time, hope this finds you motivated to follow your passion, your goals!
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