Friday, June 24, 2005
My Journal is my Chair
My Journal is My Chair
The drawing is one I did (with Dave's help) for my retreat "Journaling Just for Fun." Being an acronym nut, when I realized that the main reasons for journaling could be an acronym, it gave birth to a "chair."
I can't encourage people enough to experience the benefits of journaling. It isn't only writing, but can be accompanied by painting, drawing or pasting in pictures about our dreams.
There are so many ways or reasons we could journal:
** As a daily diary of events in our lives.
** As a place to down load the chatter or pent up emotions in our heads.
** To help us reach our goals and dreams.
** When we travel
** To get past issues that are holding us back or interfering with relationships.
** As couples to increase communications.
So, back to the chair. Here is my take on it:
C>> Clarity...We gain clarity when the mental clutter or chatter of our minds is put on paper. If you can't sleep at night because your brain is doing the "monkey brain" jumping, get up and write it all down. Sleep will likely come much easier afterwards.
H>>Helps... It helps us release pent up emotions. Ever been real angry or frustrated with someone and you just couldn't seem to get past it? Write it down. In fact keep writing until you are empty. At that point you may even want to burn the writing and let the stress go, then spend some time breathing deep cleansing breaths.
A>>Allows...By writing it down it allows us to become all that we were meant to be. Writing, drawing or collaging our dreams puts them out there in a tangible form that we can see, feel and touch.
I>>Insights...When we deal with issues they bring clarity to a situation and we derive insights.
R>>Removes...It removes blockages when we discover the source or what has been stopping us from moving forward or growing. Journaling helps us find ways to remove them.
The poem I wrote to go with it goes like this:
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Journaling Just For Fun
Journaling just for fun and I might add for getting us writing. How many of you out there have started journaling, kept to it each day for a while, then fallen off the tracks again? In talking to others, I think this is a very common thing to do.
Next weekend I will be taking 4 women out to our cabin by the sea for a one day workshop, "Journaling for Fun." The reason I'm teaching that and not another writing workshop is because I keep being asked about it. Yesterday while out for fun and laughs with a group of Red Hatters, again a woman asked me about journaling.
We discussed it in terms of it being therapeutic. Often we start because we get ourselves into a situation in life where one of the healthiest ways to deal with it is to write /journal. She voiced the same time, don't stay committed, what if someone gets offended...etc. Those are all reasons many of us have used. But none of them is a reason not to. We all can make time for the things we think are important.
Whether you use journaling as therapy, to document a trip or your dreams, to leave a record of what your life was like or just for fun, it gets you writing.
And for writers there lies the key reason to journal: It opens the creative doors allowing the juice to pour out. It's no different than any other writing exercise. We need to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard.
I've tried hard for years to journal each morning but honestly there are times when I just jump out of bed and get on with my day. Then I go back to it because I'm missing it and starting to not stay focused on my dreams.
After June 19 I'll be posting the results of our journaling workshop. Till then if you don't already journal in some form, try it just for fun.
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one." Elbert Hubbard
Happy journaling.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Writers just wanna have fun don't we? Writing shouldn't be all hard work, hours on the computer or hunched over a notebook.
Todays pictures are just for fun. Thats me with the tacky Red Hat in the back of that group of fun loving women. We started a Red Hat society here last year, called ourselves the "Powell River Purple People Eaters" and even re-wrote the words to that song just for us.Red Hatters are for women only(sorry guys) over 50 and comes from the poem about wearing purple when we grow old. Well what I've seen at these gatherings is a whole lot of wacky outfits on wacky women enjoying life.
What has this to do with writing?It has everything to do with it. If your writing is getting stale, seems like too much work and stress'es you out, maybe you need to get out and have some fun. Play on the beach, create things from shells, wood and glass. Paint a picture whether you think you have a talent or not. Take fun pictures. Dance, sing, paddle or do whatever you want to do do put the fun back in your life again. It will give you fuel for your stories.
As Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York says,"You don't have to get it right. You just have to get it going.".....and have fun on the way.
Love from the stormy west coast,Barb
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar As usual Zig hits the nail on the head or in the case of writers, hits the key in the right sequence! And to think that I thought that inspiration was better than motivation because it went deeper.
That may be true in some cases, but if we aren't motivated each and every day time and opportunity will pass us by. Here is the reason we subscribe to motivational ezines, read books by authors like Zig or plug into blogs like this one.
A site full of ezines of all descriptions is at: bathing we need daily reminders, KIP's...Kicks In Pants...or we soon let lesser priority items steal our dreams, our time, our writing. Yes this is a site for writers,making this quotation especially true for us. We need someone or something motivating us to keep writing, to keep researching our material, to keep sending out queries, to keep on keeping on.
Next time you don't feel inspired to follow your writing project, think of what Zig said.Till next time, hope this finds you motivated to follow your passion, your goals!Barb